Friday, March 23, 2012


Quotes of the day

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

“Former Sen. Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., the GOP co-chair of President Obama’s deficit commission, told ABC News that ‘The American people are disgusted at both parties’ for not being able to agree on a measure to reduce the deficit…“‘Reagan raised taxes,’...
READ MORE - Quotes of the day

Romney won’t sign Iowa group’s marriage pledge

Yes, the same one that Bachmann signed and for which she took so much heat that even Gingrich ended up backing away from it.Thus far it’s just her and Santorum. Your move, Mr. Pawlenty.When it was first circulated last week, the introduction to the pledge...
READ MORE - Romney won’t sign Iowa group’s marriage pledge

“Sister Wives” clan to challenge constitutionality of Utah’s polygamy law

Who’s angrier about this? Traditional marriage activists, or gay rights activists who don’t want to see the debate about same-sex marriage dragged down the slippery slope when they’re trying to build on momentum from New York?Nationally-known constitutional...
READ MORE - “Sister Wives” clan to challenge constitutionality of Utah’s polygamy law

Report: DeMint, Jim Jordan nix McConnell’s debt-ceiling plan; Update: Dems are considering it, says Durbin

DeMint’s opposition isn’t confirmed yet but Robert Costa of NRO has it on good authority. That might not be an insuperable obstacle to passage in the Senate given the fact, per Bret Baier below, that Reid seems open to the idea. If he can bring the Dems...
READ MORE - Report: DeMint, Jim Jordan nix McConnell’s debt-ceiling plan; Update: Dems are considering it, says Durbin

Street name “Seven in Heaven Way” upsets American Atheists

This summer, the city of Brooklyn renamed a neighborhood street “Seven in Heaven Way” to honor seven local firefighters who gave their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. A nice thought, right? Simple, symbolic, sincere. But sadly, the commemorative gesture has...
READ MORE - Street name “Seven in Heaven Way” upsets American Atheists

'Harry Potter' tickets sell out a week before release

After 10 years, the end of "Harry Potter's" cinematic tale has arrived. Fans packed into London's Trafalgar Square on Thursday for the world premiere, and the cast talked to CNN about what it was like to say goodbye to the long-running franchise.If you're...
READ MORE - 'Harry Potter' tickets sell out a week before release

Obama: No, I can’t promise that Social Security checks will go out in August if we don’t reach a deal

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

See James Pethokoukis’s new graph for a response to this. There should be plenty of revenue in August to cover entitlement checks and interest on the debt if Treasury has the legal authority to prioritize payments, which isn’t as clear as one would hope....
READ MORE - Obama: No, I can’t promise that Social Security checks will go out in August if we don’t reach a deal

Intern who helped save Gabby Giffords’ life to throw out first pitch tonight

Daniel Hernandez, the intern whose calm courage helped to save the life of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), will throw out the ceremonial first pitch at tonight’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game in Phoenix, the New York Post reports.Hernandez,...
READ MORE - Intern who helped save Gabby Giffords’ life to throw out first pitch tonight

Video: Sgt. Leroy Petry receives the Medal of Honor

The second living recipient of the Medal of Honor since Vietnam, just nine months after Staff Sgt. Sal Giunta became the first. What kind of man are we talking about here? One who didn’t have to participate in the raid for which he was awarded the MOH...
READ MORE - Video: Sgt. Leroy Petry receives the Medal of Honor